Our pigs are full pedigree Gloucester Old Spots bred from registered pedigree parents.
They are born indoors in a large loose box and as soon as they are a few days old they and their mother have unlimited access to the pig paddocks. At weaning they move into outdoor pig arcs and live out the rest of their lives there. We never dock tails or castrate our pigs.
They are well handled and friendly , come to call and all have their individual characters!
We are expecting our next litter in late May and should have about 4 available for sale as weaners.
They will be £65 for gilts and £60 for males, fully Birth Notified with the British Pig Association ,weaned and and wormed.
We allow them to go in a minimum of two to lessen the stress for them. We are happy to deliver up to about 60 miles for the cost of fuel for the round trip.
All our young stock are Birth Notified with the British Pig Association as pedigree Gloucester Old Spots from Registered parents.
We occasionally have breeding stock available which can be fully registered with the PPA.
There is currently a waiting list but if interested we will add your name to the list .